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Supported asset types

The following asset types are supported at the moment:

Asset typeDescription
PrefabsQuoll engine supports importing GLTF or binary GLB file formats

Currently, meshes, materials, skeletons, animations, and lights are imported imported from this file.
TexturesMost common image file formats -- PNG, JPG, BMP, and TGA, are supported. Additionally, you can also import Khronos Texture files (KTX, KTX2)
ScriptsUncompiled Lua scripts can be imported into the engine
Environment texturesHDRI files are supported
FontWe support importing TTF and OTF files into the engine.
AudioYou can import WAV files into the engine.
AnimatorsQuoll engine provides a YAML based custom file for creating animators.
ScenesScenes are YAML based custom files that represent the current scene